Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wondering about travel to Iran?

As usual, Iran is in the news, and not in a good way - what's new? Still, this may give some people pause to think about traveling to Iran "at such a time". On my trip to Iran in October of 2009, it was only months after the world watched in horror at the brutal crackdown on protests over the Iranian elections. We monitored the situation, and determined that it would be ok to travel, and the tour went on schedule. 

We were welcomed warmly and had an amazing time on the tour. People were always happy to talk to us, and even wanted their photos taken with an American. I remember at one of the sites we stopped at, a group of women approached us and handed one of the women in our group an infant, then stood beside her so another person could take a photo. A moment saved for posterity - "here you are at the age of 8 months or so being held by an American!"

There are tourists in Iran - Europeans know that Iran has a lot to offer the visitor in hospitality, excellent services, and sites that are truly breathtaking. Americans, not so much. And many Iranians were out visiting their national treasures right along side the foreigners. This is how we were able to meet so many wonderful people from all over Iran - families, students, all ages touring the sights and willing to talk to us, to tell us about their lives and how they viewed the world. 

Travel to Iran is an immensely rewarding experience. You will be welcomed by the masters of hospitality, see amazing sights, get to know the people a bit, eat wonderful food, and leave thinking "what is the problem with our respective governments!"

If you are interested in learning more about traveling to Iran, just give us a call. We will be happy to answer your questions, and hopefully ease your concerns.

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